Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wildlife Galore

Wow, such an animal parade wandering through our little neck of the high plains! The pond I'm working on isn't even done and it's already attracted a frog.

To be honest, this guy showed up when the original pond was still in place. He didn't actually "show" up because I never saw him. But I sure heard him. All night long this poor guy croaked his heart out, yet never did he attract a mate. I searched for him in the grass and bog garden, but his sound was hard to follow. I believe there is a evolutionary reason for this. (I also read that when threatened a frog will always hop to the left. Or the right. One of those.)

So now, many weeks after the pond disappeared, I see him in the new pond. It's not even a pond. More of a pool (think kiddie pool). He looked stuck, as the steep walls offered him no avenue of escape. I put in a large rock, and an hour later he vanished. If he hangs around, I will call him Houdini.

What's interesting to ponder is how he got to my yard. There is a swamp/pond behind the houses across the street. As the bird flies, or frog walks, it is a good 100 yards away and a drop of 20 feet from my front door. So this frog decides to leave the swamp, climb up a 20 foot slope, cross the front and back yards of a neighbor, cross the street, work its way around my house to the backyard, climb up several steps, and ta da! Another pond! I still can't fathom that journey or why.

Hats off to Houdini. May he live several years and drive my neighbors crazy with his bureeps.

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