Sunday, July 5, 2009

Robin, or Robin Hood?

I love birds. Really I do. I find their singing and chirping relaxing and it's enjoyable to watch them flit around. But, dang it, those buggers would strip my garden bare if I let them.

The worst offenders are the robins. They don't seem to eat bird seed, of which I put out plenty. But they love my strawberries. I put a net over the plants and yesterday one robin managed to get inside the net. Then it couldn't get out! Its foot had gotten tangled up in the webbing. I ran out there with scissors and cut the netting around the foot so it could get out. I'm sure it still has the netting around its foot like an anklet. Serves it right, stealing my berries. (This was probably the same klutzy bird that blundered into my window well as a baby chick and couldn't get out. I had to fish it out with a pond skimmer.)

Today a black bird ate the only two cherries I had on my young cherry tree. It nibbled all around and left the pit still attached to the stem. Didn't even say thank you.

So my questions to readers out there are: do I need to protect my blueberry bushes? This is the first year we have any berries, and they are still green.
And are there any better ways to keep birds out of my berries? I don't want the birds to leave, I just want them to leave my plants alone!

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